I've seen it twice and each time, I was so engrossed in the story that I didn't notice the passage of time.  Of course, I made sure I went to the bathroom before the movie started.

As for the violence, I didn't think there was any more than, say, in a Star Wars film.  We must remember that Tolkein wrote the trilogy after the war (WWII) and the stories are allegories of the good vs. evil war of the Allies vs. the Nazis - Sauren, the evil wizard, can be seen as a characterisation of Hitler.  I'm not a LOTR fanatic, or even a fan, but that's what I've heard.


"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> it is over 3 hours? i could not sit through it anyway.

-----Original Message-----
From: Magenta Raine [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 1:11 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Fw: Manchester Olympics?

oy veh.. just what wqe need more glorified violence.

by the way, my dad and I walked out of lord of the rings. terribly violent
movie, the fight scenes just went on and on and on, after 3 hours we walked
out, and it was still going on!