welcome to the list tombo. maybe you'll pick up some information to help.
you will definately get friendship and support.

-----Original Message-----
From: tombo [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 9:39 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: up around the bend-------

aloha guys!

my son shane (12 yrs.) has been diagnosed with CP (ataxic).
unfortunately we came to this news late in the game & beyond
being told "he needs more PT/OT" - i've been left to wonder
'what's next?'

i'm doing the pediatric neurologist search & coming up short
- few  & far it seems.

a year ago he had orthopedic surgery on both feet to help
correct his gait - his walking is now worse. i hope this
doesn't indicate a possible deterioration in ambulation.

behavorial issues - quite bizarre - have been addressed,
taking the focus away from his CP.

the horizon has that gloomy glow & perhaps dad (moi)
should be checking into a monastery in tibet. keeks!
until that time i was hoping you guys who have been
"down the pike" a bit might shed some light on what
i may expect "up around the bend!"

peace & all good!
