I briefly had a V.X.5-R. and found it to be totally inaccessible.
I loved its capabilities but did not like its keypad lineup or lack
of accessibility without the software.  A person at the H.R.O.
store in Anaheim told me that in his opinion he thought the
V.X.5-R. was a better radio than is the T.H.F.6.A. but what good is
it if it is not accessible to us.
I still have my adi-at600 but it is no longer manufactured.  It is
very accessible but doesn't have the extended band coverage of the

As for those battery packs that hold double A. batteries, i think
they are largely a waste of money for today's rigs because they are
mainly meant for monitoring.  If you try to transmit using them
they give out in no time at all.  That is one thing I really miss
about my Icom 24-A.T. as I liked the convenience of being able to
put double A. batteries in my shell battery pack and be able to
transmit while the other battery was charging.  How is the battery
life of the shell for double A.'s for the T.H.F.6.A.?  73's.

Harvey Heagy (N.5.H.A.U.)
"There is only one thing worse than waiting upon God, and that is
wishing you had."
Dr. Charles Stanley.