<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

When I read the posting about pizza recipes, which was related to one of our
peers being robbed..and left with no way to buy gf food or meds, I was
prompted to write....

For any of us who have elderly parents, especially out of town, I found from
experience that it's a good idea to have a stash of gf foods at their homes,
set aside where no-one else uses them. When the almost inevitable emergency
phone call comes, and you find yourself rushing to be with them in a
hospital...where you wait, and wait, and wait,..your stash may be the only
access to gf foods you might have until you can get to find a store or
restaurant. And hospital restaurants are terrible for accommodating gf diets,
as are the vending machines.

I just keep gf crackers, pretzels, tuna, cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, instant
rice, and maybe a couple of other things. (Even under good circumstances, she
doesn't have much that I can eat when I go there, but if it's not an
emergency, I can cook and bring.) Periodically check the stash for expiring

Just passing along advice. My mom lives in NY, and Sept. 11 made us all
alittle more aware of being prepared.
