<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This is my first listing, I am from Adelaide Australia and have been
diagnosied as a Celiac for just over a month.  I was sent to hospital
after having lost 8kg in 3 weeks, and having discomfort under my right
rib cage, being short of breath and very fatigued.

I spent 11 days in hospital when they finally diagonised me with CD.  I
then got a call 5 days later to return to hospital as they had viewed
some chest xrays and noticed some larger nodes and they performed a
bronoscopy.  From this they diagonised me with Sarcoidosis (lung
disease).  This disease has some similar symptoms to CD, weight loss and
fatigue being two of them.

I questioned my doctor today, to find out if he could tell me 100% that
i had CD and he said from the blood tests and the biopsy they performed
he was sure.

So my question is, is there anyone else out there with both diseases?
My doctor told me today that he got some recent medical news from the US
that they had done a paper on Celiac & Sarcoidosis.

I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow for a lung function test and
if their is a bed in the Cardiac Ward I will be staying in to have my
heart monitored as I black out or faint every second day and they dont
know what that is associated with.

I would appreciate any responses as being so newly diagnosised with both
diseases is kinda overwhelming at the moment.

Thank you
