Irene wrote:
> After listening to me extoll the virtues of Paleo, a vegetarian I know is
willing to give it a go, meat and all.

> The thing is, she hasn't eaten meat for a long time. She tried eating some
chicken soup, but even that really upset her stomach. Some people have
suggested she take digestive enzymes. I also noticed a post this week about
hydrochloric acid capsules - would this help?

> Any other suggestions for someone who hasn't eaten meat for a long long

My boyfriend was also a vegetarian when we decided to do the paleo diet
together.  He'd been vegan for 10 years, and then vegetarian for 20 years
more.  He just started slowly (ate only a little meat at a time at first) and
his body adjusted quickly.  He now loves eating paleo, and eats lots of red
meat with no problem.