"The illusion that, without western aid we will not survive was shattered way
back in 1994/95 when they did their worst. They imposed santions on us,
paralysed our tourism industry and guess what; we survived it. The
EU and the US are only returning part of what they stole from us in the
first place; and like it or not, this government will not tolerate or accept any foreign government or individual to lord it over us. No, we will not accept
it. Our sovereignty is not for sale or bargain. We have survived worst.
Whatever we may have learnt from the west, survival isn't/wasn't part of it.
They have suppressed us and even tried to annihilate us through the most barbaric means vis-a-vis through slavery and we survived it. Rest assured that we are not going back that way again. We would rather die than be enslaved again." 
I just wonder to what extent you are ready to go in defending the behaviour of the Jammeh government and his bunch of morons.  You justify every action this despicable government does and you are ready to point an accusing finger to anyone highlighting its difficiencies as unpatriotic and wanting cause chaos in the Gambia.  Can you enlighten this us on the nature of the crime of the EU rep.
You commended MR GOMEZ on his rather ambiguous piece on  the need of political tolerance in the Gambia yet all and sundry know that it is your lot who cannot deal with criticism.   Those of us who oppose the APRC and the Jammeh government are more than accommodating but we will not tolerate or negotiate our basic human rights and freedoms. 
Your bragging about that some of us in the opposition believe that we depend on the largesse of the West for survival is absolute nonsensical piffle.  Jammeh and his lot are not inpendent, his government is ready to sleep with any monster who offer him some dough.  We know about his prostitution of Gambian sovereignty to the Libyans, Taiwanese and all those sick Arab states hallucinating about muslim brotherhood.
Our tourism industry was distroyed the insan and stupid policies of this criminal regime. 
Get a grip of reality and spare of your posturing.
God safe us from your 'madness'.

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