       I was wondering the same thing, why this list is so quiet?? On a
personal level, my husband & I have been busy with the holidays. As you all
know, we went to Miami to spend x-mas with my husband's family. His family
just moved to Miami from Santiago, Chile. My husband, Daniel, is half Chilean
& half American. Then we went to a New Years Party with my family. It was a
lot of fun!
       On a professional level, things are also pretty busy!! I work at an
ILC as a Systems Change Advocate where I empower people with disabilities to
make systemic changes in the areas that affected them the most. I'm still new
at my job, so if anyone has any suggestions, please go right ahead. Right
now, I'm working on a manual on "How to be a Self Advocate." Then I'll be
going out and giving presentations. I've only been working here for 7 months,
but I've been advocating for years. I was the president of the Students with
Disabilities Connection in college for about 2 years and I noticed that a lot
of people have good ideas, but they lack the motivation to fight. I think
there's 2 reason for this, first, people don't feel like their voice counts,
and second, they don't have the resources they need. So, I want to write a
manual to guide them through advocating for themselves.
       Well, I better get back to work. Bye for now.

Dina G. :)