Good for the Free Library! You're absolutely right that librarians
should be asking for accessibility in everything we buy.  Any ideas
from the group on how to encourage that?

Related: I'm now a member of the Education and Outreach Work Group of
the Web Accessibility Initiative, World Wide Web Consortium.  We're
working on (among other things) the draft of the document "Selecting
Authoring Tools for Accessible Web Site." (This is another area in
which we need to raise librarian awareness of the need for
accessibility.) For the latest draft of the document, go to

By the way, Axel, the questions you framed and we talked about last
year were the basis for "Asking Software Vendors about Product
Support" under the "Checklists for Authoring Tool Selection" heading.
Does anyone have any to add?

If you all have time, please take a look at the "Working Around
Limitations" section and give me feedback to take to the group.

> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not
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> > Axel,
> Slightly off topic, but I am convincing our online resource selector
> bring this up with every vendor as she re-ups for these expensive
> The more librarians that do this the better.  Some of the things
they need
> to do are simple.  Also we are going to use Webfeat to simplify the
> process and we have control of the interface so it WILL be
> I'm happy about that.
> Allathea Joniec
> Information Technology
> The Free Library of Philadelphia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Schmetzke, Axel [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:22 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Any interesting news from the ALA midwinter conference???
> Did any of you attend ALA midwinter. If so, did you talk to vendors
> online information resources about the accessibility of their
products? Is
> there anything worth sharing with this group?
> Axel Schmetzke
> Library
> University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point