On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:27:59 -0600 Jim Swayze <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I've been under the assumption that humans can digest human milk at
> any stage in life.

Ardeith writes:
Not exactly....if the human baby is switched from
breast to cows milk, they will retain the enzyme or
whatever it is that allows them to digest milk.  But
if you stop drinking milk for many years, then try
to do so again, you run into all sorts of problems.
Milk used to give my mother gas and cramps
when she tried drinking it again after 40 years
of no milk.   Then there are the people who
react badly to the bovine protein in cows milk.
Cows produce milk for calves.  Women produce
milk for human babies.  Even then, some babies
can't handle it......that's when formulas come in

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