On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:56:12 +1100 Dean Pistilli
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> As for human milk.. if you're still getting a supply of milk from
> your mother, go for it.. else maybe there's something in the fact that
> women stop lactating after a year or two.

Ardeith writes:
No, Dean, they don't.  I've know women who breast-fed
their children for four or five years.  And this is common
in other parts of the world.  There is a belief that breast-
feeding prevents ovulation, thus preventing pregnancy.
I'm not sure there is any real documentation on this,
but if it is so, it can space pregnancies and limit how
many children the woman has.   As long as the milk-
glands are being stimulated, they will keep producing
milk.   Breast-fixated lovers can start the glands
producing again, too.   I don't know if that's true
for women who have never nursed.

Part of the milk-intolerance in the Orient is probably
because, after weaning, milk is not part of the common
diet, and the ability to digest milk is lost.  The enzyme
is lost? Or production of the enzyme ceases?  I don't
know which.   But sending milk there in famine aid
packages just causes diarrhea(sp?) in children, adding
to the problems already present from the famine.

Our pets don't need milk after weaning, and neither
do children.......provided they are getting plenty of
otherwise healthy food.   Back to pets, ask anyone
who has ever given their cat a nice saucer of cream,
and then had a litter-box to clean......if the cat made
it to the litter-box in the first place!

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