On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:46:02 +0100, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois_Dovat?=
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi, Jean Louis !
>I'm glad you're here. I did read a lot of your writings on BeyondVeg
>and I wondered about such a huge amount of  fine work. Is it a degree
>or something like that, or did you write it just for the site?

I wrote that just for the site (not alone; I was substantially helped by Tom
Billings and Ward Nicholson).

> If I
>understood you well, your opinion is that the healt of instinctos could be
>improved if they would add some cooked food (boiled patatoes or so)
> to their menus. This is just opposite to the approach of
> Dr
Jean Seignalet.

On the contrary, I find that my approach is very similar to Jean
Seignalet's. In my opinion, 100% raw is OK, IF your diet is correctly
balanced. This is especially difficult in the case of instincto. Ideally,
our instinct should take care of telling us what foods should be eaten and
in which amounts, but we all know that instinct doesn't work very well with
modern, cultivated fruits and with meats from domestic animals. One solution
is to improve food quality: harvest wild fruits and plants, fish/hunt
yourself, eat plants from your garden, or buy high quality/wild (and wildly
axpensive) foods from Orkos or from other suppliers.

The other solution (if you are unable or unwilling to spend too much time
and/or money on food supply) is to add a few lightly cooked foods. For
instance, if you tend to eat too much fruit and not enough vegetables, add a
few steamed vegetables and/
or a few potatoes, rice... (but no wheat, which
is a non-paleo food). If you find that your protein intake is not balanced
(like too many avocadoes and nuts and not enough animal protein), add cooked
(very rare) meat.

All the above are of course just suggestions, which might work for some but
not for everyone. I don't want to tell you my conception of the perfect diet
because I have none. The conclusions above are based on the fact that many
instinctos I know (or many of those who claim to be instincto), either spend
a lot of time and/or money on food supply, or are unable to practice
"correctly". But if you feel that what you are doing is right and are happy
with that, keep going!

> to apprehend the astronomical number of extremely
>complex organic molecular structures, which is a work far out of reach of a
>single man lifetime and also of the whole mankind, even if a reaserch
 Eprogram of billions of years was launched... You probably know Burger's >
>about that.

Of course, it is impossoble to know the combined effect of billions of
molecules on billions of different people... My observation is just that,
although research has found many ill-effects of pesticides, aspartame,
asbestos and so on, it hasn't found any evidence that Maillard molecules
could generate any serious disease.

>JL :> Each species has its specific diseases.
>F : I should have addded: "Or anything of the kind".

Wild animals do have diseases (examples are given somewhere on the BV site,
but I don't remember where).

> I wondered whether to say "never" or "allmost never".  I'm still
>superstitious about it and think it's
>better *never* to use the word "never", but this phrase requires 2 of'em!
>Too bad... I do all I
can to avoid this word....
>In fact the "allmost" stands here for scarce few hours with some fever in
>the evening
>after windsurfing by bad and cold weather. In the morning I was well again.
>I 'don't know whether it was flu or not and I don't care under which
>category it realy should be classified. Two years ago, I was off  duty one
>full day with fever. When I use to eat cooked food, I had a cold about 4
>months a year and very often flu. Now I got the cold maybe one week/year,
>and it's very begnin.

Yes, I know that instinctos do get colds, although less often and in milder
forms. I talked of flus (or of colds) just to give an example of disease
that probably doesn't leave marks on skeletons... If you found a skeleton
somewhere, how can you be sure that the person did NOT die of an infectious

> Do you seriously think I could truly say *never* if I
>add boil
ed and unsalted patatoes to my food choice ?

Of course not. Did I say that?