Maybe I choose a bad example. Cordain also says that coffee and alcohol are
okay to drink, though Paleo people didn't drink alcohol.  Yet he doesn't
allow vinegar--says to use lemon or lime juice instead. Don't you get
vinegar by letting wine ferment a little longer? What's the difference? The
difference is some studies that show vinegar can have a negative health
impact--studies that have nothing to do with what Paleo people ate or
didn't eat.  And I highly doubt Paleo people drank coffee.  That's why I
say this book is more about Cordain's opinions about nutrition than Paleo
nutrition per se.  Cordain may well have interesting and worthwhile views
on general nutrition, but that's not what I was hoping to get when I
preordered this book.


Rick Strong wrote:
Sheryl, recall that "paleo people" did not eat factory raised, grain-fed,
agri-business chicken.  There is a huge distinction between the fat profile
of such a bird and those feeding in their natural range, no?

Sheryl said:
I found Cordain's book to be disappointing, too.  I wanted to read the most
recent findings and evidence of what paleo people ate, and THEN an analysis
of the implications. Instead, I read a bunch of diet recommendations that
seemed to be only tangentially related to paleo eating.  For example, he
says to only eat the white meat of a chicken. I'm sure paleo people didn't
throw out part of every bird they killed.  This seems to be a book on
nutrition with conclusions drawn from many sources--only one of which is
what paleo people ate.  He doesn't hesitate to recommend deviations from
paleo eating if it meets his own criteria for good nutrition.  This isn't
the type of book I was hoping for.