>My dearest friend, Judy Genova (cavegirl), and frequent contributor to this
>list ..her husband, Phil, .. never wake up.

Dear Judy, I know you are now experiencing hard times and I hope and whish
you the strength you need to master the change in your life.

My own mother has died only 3 months ago so I can feel with you very well.
Strange enough, annother message of sudden death appeared recently at
zonetalk ( http://www.zonehome.com/zt67/index.htm ). JohnW the frequent
contributor and heart of this forum suddenly has passed away.
Somehow we can have feelings of friendship and sympathy with people we have
never seen, just exchanged messages over the internet. The spirit of a
person is what is able to come over these channels and there is a lot what
remains after death as well.

Amadeus S.