thanks again for the tradition of extending good   information to it possible to have more detail information of the Prof lecture?

>From: Madiba Saidy <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Prof. Lamin Sanneh - Yale University
>Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:57:14 -0800
>I just returned to the office from a lecture presented by Lamin Sanneh,
>D. Willis James Professor of Missions and World Christianity / Professor
>of History at Yale University (former Professor at Harvard University
>for eight years). It was quite an informative and exciting lecture on the
>adequacies and inadequacies of the separation of church and state from
>both islamic and western perpectives, islamic fundamentalism, secular
>fundamentalism and bridging the divide thro' sustained critical dialogue
>about faith, history, values and public policy.
>lamin really made me proud as a Gambian, as a Georgetownian in particular
>(on my mom's side), where he hails. I was honored to have a brief chat
>with him during the discussion/reception session after the talk. He is
>(should be) an inspiration to some of us that are just starting our
>careers in academia.
>By the way, whatever happended to the database of Gambian intellectuals in
>the diaspora? I believe it was Ebrima Ceesay that was thinking of compilation.
>I think that should be a good resource for the up and comers and the
>younger generation to look up to and not the kleptocracy and mediocrity
>that prevails back home!
>Madiba K. Saidy,
>Vancouver, Canada.
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