That's what these spineless judges will keep doing, feigning sickness each
time some political prisoner is brought to court.  One would think that the
judges are stricken with terminal illness, unless if they're the best
hypochondriacs in The Gambia.  Otherwise, I cannot imagine why this farce
about sick judges is going on.  It seems the prosecution has no valid case
against these gentlemen, hence the perpetual adjournment of the case against
Dumo et al.  Sometimes, I wonder how a judge could sleep with his conscience
intact when he fails to uphold the law.

I want to bet that President Jammeh will, during another national event,
subject us to another sermon about reconciliation and pardon these
gentlemen.  Again, his supporters and opponents alike will applaud his
magnanimity and harp on how Gambians should reconcile. Their time would have
been wasted, their families almost torn apart and they'd go to their graves
with this humiliation.

None of the victims of arbitrary arrests and their families are Jesus.
The turning of the other cheek is a biblical myth that should never be
extended to African despots.

No doubt that our governments and people are disrespected around the world
and we cannot do anything about it.  The disparaging comments that we hear
from the Western media is, but a reflection of how our leaders have woefully
failed us.

Some of the comedians that we have for leaders have wasted almost four
decades of our independence and counting.


>From: Annika Renberg <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Fwd: Daily Observer on the Dumo case
>Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 20:44:07 +0100
>Thursday, January 24, 2002
>Dumo & Co treason treason trial hits rock again judge and defence lawyer
>taken ill
>The treason trial involving Ebrima Barrow, Momodou Dumo Saho, Momodou
>Marena, Ebrima Yarbo, Lt Lalo Jaiteh and Lt Omar M Darboe at the High Court
>in Banjul was yesterday adjourned to February 7, 2002 for mention, as both
>judge and defence lawyer were reported sick.

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