Thanks very much.

Mr Fye has also contacted me and assured me that he will not proceed with the unhealthy &  unnecesary exchange. I really appreciate both your acknowledgements and assure you that both you and him are brothers and all was said in just being angry at others for this name calling streak completely alien to us in Gambia and G-L.

Thanks again and please continue to communicate with Mr Fye as he means well too and his words can be taken out of context due to the complex situation we all are faced with today in Gambia . Some familites are biterly divided along party lines and do not talk to each other , others use these indirect accusations to vent out other greivances at the wrong people like you and him alike for unrelated issues. Yes there are many herondous crimes of politics and obviously revenge results if we do not control our emotions. Your excellent contributions show me that you are a highly educated person and we should all gain from your vast knowledge  and likewise with Elhajj Fye whose religious background  and experience in the music industry should be well noted.  I admire your talents and hope we all pledge to use them positively in the future.


Life is short and we have to work towards our common good as it states in the  Gambian national anthem.


Finally , I wanted to inform the brothers and sisters on the L and back home to pray for the speedy recovery of  our brother Dr Sulayman Nyang ( professor HU) who is in a local Maryland hospital after a minor surgery. He is doing  well and sends his regards to all.


Habib Diab Ghanim



>From: Y C Jow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Elhajj Fye: God + Yahya Jammeh
>Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 16:38:36 EST
>Thanks for the word of advice.
>I am not taking up Kotu Fye about his unfounded allegations. I know exactly
>where he is/was trying to go with that one. However, he should know that I
>am my own individual and innuendos like the one he made will not fly against
>me. He knows exactly what I am talking about, even though true to his form
>he will deny that his reference was not intended directly for me.
>Anyway, i'll let sleeping dogs lie...
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