I did listen to a pop star and learnt a lesson...Hmmmm...not all can
be fooled all the time.
Mr.millipedes countless legs traversed this plateau with Damphaistic styles
but none! i mean none! was smart enough to predict the advance party that
was led by David and Kausu.There are tactics to stain the image back home
likewise there are tactics to clean the image back home.
Pa Dawda Jawara will be joining us back home with joy and laughter!
Willi-nilly is a word i saw in postings here when the critics demonised
images at home,now i can use the word willi-nilly and say.People ARE USING
IT TO CREATE A RECONCILIATORY STRATEGY.Dibba's was first,Jawara's comes
next! Do not be surprised if the unthinkables for some are called to rejoin
their families with strong guarantees of their safety in the streets of
Cry baby! cry! who can be more royal than the king?
Did Jawara meet the UDP? No? Why? Because the old Pa is full of respect for
himself and i was told that he listens to his family's advice
attentively.Some of them do no intend to see his image being prostituted for
political gains.
Was it only for the sake of Jawara when some fainted at Mansakonko years
back, the old Pa offered to resign?!

"Speak the speeches and let the speeches not spit you."

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