Momodou Mboge,

Let me first of all start with your last sentence in which you wrote: "God
safe us from your 'madness'." No Mr. Mboge God will not safe anybody from
what you consider my "madness". The Gambia belongs to all of us and we all
have a stake in it.

You also wrote:

"You commended MR GOMEZ on his rather ambiguous piece on  the need of
political tolerance in the Gambia yet all and sundry know that it is your
lot who cannot deal with criticism. Those of us who oppose the APRC and the
Jammeh government are more than accommodating but we will not tolerate or
negotiate our basic human rights and freedoms."

No Mboge, you've got it wrong. If this government does not want to be
criticised, it would not have opened a website for all and sundry to air
their views. This is a listening government.

You again wrote:

"Your bragging about that some of us in the opposition believe that we
depend on the largesse of the West for survival is absolute nonsensical
piffle.  Jammeh and his lot are not inpendent, his government is ready to
sleep with any monster who offer him some dough.  We know about his
prostitution of Gambian sovereignty to the Libyans, Taiwanese and all those
sick Arab states hallucinating about muslim brotherhood."

Again you are off the mark. This government wants to co-exist with all other
governments regardless of ideology. What we will not accept is for any
nation to believe that because they offer us aid, they can dictate to us how
we should run our lives. This has been denied us for more than three hundred
years and we are saying enough is enough. Do not forget also that some of
these nations need us as much as we need them.

You also wrote:

"Our tourism industry was distroyed the insan and stupid policies of this
criminal regime."

My friend we know what role tourism plays in our economy. Therefore we will
not jeopardise all the efforts that we've put into it by way of promoting it
and developing infrastructures to meet the requirements of the tourists. In
fact was it not only a few weeks back that I posted, on the L, an article
indicating that The Gambia won the best stand at the recently held tourism

Apart from promoting the sector, there is now a tourism development board
that acts as a one stop shop for those wishing to invest in tourism in The
Gambia. The classification of hotels and restaurants is  being done this
year in colaboration with the stakeholders in the industry to match
international standards. Eco-tourism is being vigourously promoted and one
of these eco-tourist sites won an international award a few weeks ago in
recognition of its facilities amongst other things. Kombo Beach hotel also
recieved a gold award from one of the biggest tour operators in the UK just
last week.

Have a good day, Gassa.

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