Too right!  I wasn't objecting to the religion (after all he has every right to believe whatever he wants to), but to the way he's using his disability to sell it and rake in the bucks.

I do NOT need my disability labelled a "problem." It's a part of me, and if it's a problem, that makes me a problem; but no, I'm a human being, dammit, not a problem!

Whew....wiping my brow here. But I've just come in from going out to lunch in the pouring cold, wet rain.


"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Yeah, I regard myself as an "evangelical" (not 'fundy') Christian as well,
Bobby.  This guy goes beyond the pale, though.  I watched this cat on the
toob a few years back--made me want to "vomick" (as me dear mum would say).
I believe Jesus referred to his ilk as "money changers".  Twenty-eight bucks
for a video???  It probably cost less than that to produce!  What a
Jamocha!!!  Not only does he put a bad taste in "thinking" folks' mouths
(almost mixed a metaphor there) re: christianity, but does the same for us
gimp-a-zoids.  Bet his wife wears a "nice" dress and sensible flats to bed.

Just keepin' it real.   --K-Dog.  Peace.  Out.