Hi there group!  I hope all is well.  I know I have not written to this
group in ages.  Listen, I have come across a problem and am wanting to know
if any of you have had this problem.

After this semester, I am 3 classes away from graduating with my associates
degree in Journalism.  I have passed all my "college" math requirements.  My
math grades are not the best but they are ok, "C" range.

I don't want to tut my own horn but I have a 3.5 GPA and am in the honors
program.  The problem is I have a high school deficiency in Geometry  With
all the other math's I have taken Algebra I, Algebra II, and elementary
stats there has always been a formula or calculator I  could plug the
problem into.  I may have to do like 10 problems over and over but after a
while I could figure it out.

But in Geometry I have problems drawing the obtuse, acute angles because of
my CP.  My fine motor problems cause this.  Also, I have problems with my
eyes due to strabismus (ie. a turned eye) I suppress the weaker eye's image
in order to avoid seeing double (diplopia).  (An eye doctor has told me
this.)  I believe that this is causing me depth perception problems.

I have tried passing this course twice in high school needless, to say I
didn't pass it.  What am I supposed to do?  I mean I would be more then
willing to give it my best shot again but with the problems I have mentioned
I don't think my chances are good.  I am not a person that likes to give up
or use my CP as an excuse.  But how should I handle this?

Thank You, for any help you could give,


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