if my dog bit me i'd have got het the shot.
well,  guys, i am visiting the doc this afternoon to see if anything can be
done for these old hands.

-----Original Message-----
From: Carla MacInnis [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 11:40 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: self determination /Pain

Well, I have a boo-boo on my finger. Does that count? The cat bit me while I
pilling him. Gotta get a tetnus shot!



Magenta Raine wrote:

> Am on vicodin, two 500 mg I take one in the morning, and one at bedtime...
> take a celebrex in the a.m.  I also take neurontin which my neuro says I
> increase up to 12 tablets per day, The neurontin seems to help a lot with
> nerve pain, thank goodness! That's just what I need, what with this
> nerve in my neck...
> Rayna and Jenn, just hang in there, maybe if everybody on this list would
> pray for everybody who has pain, it would help.  Let's see. Kyle, Ken,
> mag, rayna, Jenn, and who else?
> Love,
>  mag, who went out and got a chocolate croissant and a small cup of mocha,
> then bought some beautiful big inspiration cards to hang up in my office.
> a beautiful lavender scented candle.