<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone

I  wrote asking whether people with Dermatitis Herpetiformis could take
potassium iodide tablets (in the event of a terrorist attack/accident at a
nuclear plant etc) to prevent us absorbing radiation. DH suffers are
supposed to avoid iodine in their diet.

The consensus of opinion was that I should take the potassium iodide tablets
as any side effects from the tablets would be far less serious than than the
effects of absorbing any radiation in the atmosphere.

A few people replied laughing at my worries.  I'd like to point out to them
that having lived in Eastern Europe during the Russian Chernobyl leak I have
already lived through the experience of a radiation leak and with the wind
direction the effects reached thousands of miles away from the actual site
of the nuclear plant.  We were told to wash carefully and hose down outside
walls etc, not eat vegetables grown outside during that time and also had to
avoid fresh meat.  The shops were emptied of many staple goods in the panic,
women were actually fighting over boxes of canned baby milk etc.  It was a
terrifying experience, people were desperate to find kelp tablets which also
contain iodine, anything that would help us avoid absorbing too much

One man suggested that I contact Dr Ken Fine at Enterolab or Dr Joe Murray
at Mayo Clinic to put the question to them.  I haven't done so yet but will
let you know if I find any useful information from them.

Thanks for all your responses.
