<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

When I called the GI center to get an appt for my 10 yr old daughter I
was told the pediatric GI couldn't see her until January 2002 but was
put on a cancellation list.

So I proceeded with getting her stool tested by Dr. Fine.  The results
came back "positive".  I was so devastated.  Shortley after the
pediatric GI called and said they had found an appt for her.  The GI doc
had never heard of Dr. Fine.  He ordered the round of blood testing for
celiac.  He called yesterday and said all her tests were negative so he
ruled out celiac.  He did however say that she might simply have an
intolerance to gluten and if she felt better staying away from it that's
what we should do.

So..........what's up with the difference in testing?  I don't know and
am a little leary now but am leaning more towards believing the blood
test results.
