<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi.  I'm the mom of a 23 year old son who has been practically non-
functioning for the past 8 years, I believe as a result of celiac disease.
After seeing *many* and varied professionals, he was diagnosed and treated
only for GERD and for psychiatric disorders: depression and obsessive-
compulsive disorder. His symptoms were:  extreme thinness, extreme fatigue,
sleeping quite excessively, burping constantly during and after eating,
swallowing problems, alternating constipation and diarrhea and a constant
feeling of needing to move his bowels, mood disturbance, and ADD symptoms.
Finally, last January, a chiropractor/nutritionist ordered an ALCAT blood
test for food sensitiities.  He tested strongly positive for gluten

sensitivity, as well as for many other foods.  Immediately we began a
diet that eliminated gluten and the other offending foods.  The response
was quick and dramatic.  He reintroduced most offending foods
successfully after 3 months, but remained gluten-free for 6 months.  His
energy level improved greatly, the burping went away, and even the GERD
symptoms disappeared.  He reintroduced gluten slowly 5 months ago and
hasn't had any major return of symptoms, though my sense is that he has
deteriorated somewhat, especially in energy level.  When I explained
what we had done to his General Practitioner, he ordered gluten tests
(about 3 weeks ago), and the results were mixed.  After reading your
webpage, I realize why.  His Gliadin Antibody IGG was 38 units, gliadin
antibody IA was 8, Reticulin antibody IGA negative, and Tissue
Transglutaminase antibody IGA was 3 units.  The GP assumes that the
gliadin anti body IGG was probably a false positive, even after the
results I told him we had had on GF diet!  We do have an appt. on Monday
with a gastroenterologist, but I have mixed feelings about subjecting
Ben to tests that will require him to deteriorate to the point that
tests will come back definitively positive.  What do you think?  I have
read Nancy Lilly's post of Oct. 21, 1996, and she makes some good
points.  Also, what about an official diagnosis for proper military
draft classification?  I wouldn't think someone with CD would be able to
do military service.  Sorry this is so lengthy.  Would appreciate some
widsom and experience.    Karen Kester