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Does anyone know of a support group in San Francisco. My daughter needs
some support.

I have a comment about Dr. Fine's lab. My daughter has had a combination
of symptoms for may years. They included hair loss, severe abdominal
pain, coughing up blood. She had seen several Dr.s over the years who
mainly brushed her off. Most recently she was given upper GI x-rays, to
search for an ulcer. The x-ray was negative. She asked to be tested for
celiac as I have DH, but they brushed her off, not wanting to test her
saying it was very rare. She tried to get back in to see the Dr. again,
but they said that Dr. had been transferred. So, at that point I had her
tested by Entrolab. It came back positive for gluten sensitivity and she
started on a gluten free diet. Her hair has now stopped falling out, her
stomach pain has been greatly reduced and she has not been spiting up
blood. It has been a very very hard diet for her to follow as she is
also a began, but it so reduced her severe abdominal pain that she
follows it. So, all I can say is I'm grateful that Dr. Fine has his lab
and we were able to finally solve her problem. The Dr.s and hospital she
went to charged her plenty of money but offered no real help. So, I
think Dr. Fine is really providing a great service.
