Hi everyone, I am just wondering if anyone on this list is a member of
APCO.  I just tried contacting them, and i am getting some information
from them, and a form to join, and I mentioned that I am blind, and i
guess they  have other blind members that  they send the magazines to on disc,
and I'm just wondering if they are here on this list.
         Also while I am on the subject of APCO, is anyone having a problem
getting around their homepage using IE 5.5?  I never had a problem with
the frames in IE 4.0 or lines, but in 5.5 it will just sit there and my
JFW 3.3135 will just say the page has two frames, and that's it.  Any
information would be appreciated on this and also if anyone has taken the
APCO courses on line how well has worked with your various screen
readers?  Any information would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.