
Here is an appropriate contact for protesting Tijans appointment as an
attche at the Gambian Embassy in London.

By post:
Human Rights Policy Department
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH

By telephone: +44(0)207 270 3000

"Torture is abhorrent. Torture is illegal. Yet Torture is inflicted on men,
women and children in well over half the countries of the world.
Despite the universal condemnation of torture, it is still used to extract
confessions, to interrogate, to punish or to intimidate. In Police stations
and prison cells, on city streets and in remote villages, torturers
continue to inflict physical agony and mental
anguish. Their cruelty kills,
or leaves scars on the body and mind that last a lifetime.
The victims of torture are not just the people in the hands of the
torturers. Friends, families and the wider community all suffer. Torture
even damages and distorts the hopes of future generations."

Abdoulie A. Jallow


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