<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Since "Sandybill" included a quote from Gluten-Free Living about our
need for one unified gluten-free diet, I wanted to make the entire
article available. Thanks to Mike Jones, you will find the article as:

This article was written after a day-long labeling workshop at the FDA
on Aug 13 that I attended with several other celiacs. We were able to
give short testimony about our interest in food labeling. Excerpts from
that testimony are included at the end of the article. Other material
from this landmark meeting will be included in future issues of
Gluten-Free Living.

As background, I have also sent our original article on revision of the
ADA GF diet guidelines from a year ago as: CELIAC TMPFILE18.

In a related matter, it is interesting to see that vinegar is still
suspect as a possible source of gluten.  So I also wanted to point out
that an article about vinegar from a 1999 GFL issue is found aSs:
celiac tmpfile14

The article reports on laboratory research conducted nearly 13 years ago
by J.A. Campbell, Ph.D, then chairman of the Nutrition Adivsory Board for
the Canadian Celiac Association. His research, the knowledge that every
scientist asked has said gluten molecules would not survive distiallation,
that in the US most (if not all)  "distilled white vinegar"  is made from
corn, and that any scientists I've spoken to (and probably most if not all
others) do not understand why the question is even raised would all seem to
lay the question of gluten in vinegar to rest.

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Ann Whelan