<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've gotten several posts asking for a good conrbread recipe.  This is
my favorite.  If you have a cast iron frying pan, use it for the
baking..you get a wonderful crust.

Preheat oven to 425

1 cup corn meal [white or yellow]
1 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup sugar [use more if you like it sweeter]
3 teas. baking powder
3/4 teas baking soda
1 teas salt
1 cup buttermilk or plain yogurt
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 teas dried herbs--your choice
1/4 cup butter

If useing cast iron frying pan, place butter in pan and place over med
heat to melt....

Put melted butter into a mixing bowl, put frying pan back on low heat\
Mix egg with buttermilk.

Place remaining ingredients into mixing bowl mix together lightly
Place in frying pan [if using a 9inch square pan, grease it first with
crisco before pouring in batter]

Bake for 25  to 30 min until it tests done and is brown and crispy...do
not let burn.

For stuffing, unmold and cube [if you can avoid nibbling]...let dry out
for a day or so...proceed with your favorite recipe.

If you are going to make muffins, try adding 1 cup corn, fresh or canned
and use Herbs de Provence as the herb.  You may also want to try adding
a half cup of Parmesan cheese to the batter. Yummy!

.....I make this for our coffee hour in a sixteen inch cast iron pan.  I
quadruple the recipe, using a qt of buttermilk ....It usually takes
about 45 min [ in a professional oven]....there are NEVER an leftovers....