<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi to All,

Just a quick comment on this summary concerning a gluten reaction.  I
realized from reading the posting that so many of us have suffered for so
long with soooooo many different illnesses, which might have caused even
further damage due to unnecessary meds taken and treatments being given.  All
the time, we had Celiac, but it went undiagnosed.  I hear from so many people
all the time how they were thought to be:  Asthmatic, Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
and so forth, Cancer, Sinusitis, Migraine, Cluster Headaches, Crohns Disease,
Colitis, Gall Bladder Disease, Ulcers, Haemmerhoids, Anemic (which is indeed
a symptom, but many of us were told we may even have Aplastic Anemia, which
can be fatal), and the list goes on and on and on.  Many of us have been put
on powerful drugs, undergone surgeries, and endured horrific pain for years
and years.

Why I mention this is because while it is lovely to have one another to talk
with and complain to and learn from, we still need to get the word out to the
medical profession to include Celiac in basic blood testing.  This is just a
start.  Every f**king  (sorry, but in New York this is an acceptable
adjective and pronoun) group has an advocate in Washington D.C.  What about
us?  We should all be writing to everyone we know in Washington; certainly
everyone we feel worthy of our votes, and tell them how we feel.  It is
possible that one in every 4 to 5 people in this country may be Celiac.  How
about a little funding our way, Huh?

Ready about this woman's plight and history in dealing with the illness makes
me angry.  It took me only 26 years to be diagnosed, and in the end I
diagnosed myself, and by accident.  My doctor only cooperated with me after
he tested for at least 40 other illnesses.  He was ready to send me home with
a bottle of Valium and some Tums (not GF!).

I say that we have a campaign that by a specific date, let's say December 1,
each and every one of us write a letter to our representative in Washington,
and someone in the FDA, demanding specific food labeling for Gluten, and some
education for the medical profession about testing.  My letter is already
out.  How about it?

In the meantime, stay well.  The Holidays are upon us, and this is a
dangerous time.  I am feeling better for the first time in 26 years, now that
I have most of the gluten in my life out of my life.  Sometime a bit sneaks
in now and then, but for the most part I am clean.

Love and peace always,
