<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Thank you to every one who responded (27). Apparently itchy ears are a
common thing in the celiac world. Actually a lot more people responded
after I already did this summary. I sent it to the wrong address so here
we go:

24 people said the itchiness was deep inside the ear

2 people attributed the itchiness to gluten ingestion

1 person described it as a yeast reaction to ingesting gluten

1 person said it is a reaction to bananas for them (funny cuz I said it
drives me bananas)

3 people associated it with DH

1 person associated it with Candida

5 people suggested it may be a reaction to another type of allergen
(cats, mold, dust mites, seasonal allergies)

2 people said it was from dairy

3 people said they got it from corn

As far as getting some relief:

1 person recommended swabbing a teeny weeny bit of Temovate ointment
(from MD or dermatologist) into the ear using a Q-tip

1 person recommended a hydrocortisone cream (not sure if that is what
Temovate is or not)

1 person recommended and has tried using Dombro's (not sure of spelling)

solution to rinse the ears, with short term success but not extended

1 other person recommended eating anti-fungal foods and maybe taking
antifungal agents such as Diflucan

So next time I tell my doctor that my ears are so itchy it drives me
nuts and she looks at me like I am nuts, I will tell her other people
feel it too. Actually, I am fortunate to have a very nice doctor.

thank you everybody once again,
Happy Halloween