<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello All -

Today I had a VERY bizarre reaction and I am trying to determine if it is
gluten related or if I simply have the flu!  (I know, sounds crazy!)....
Today at work (I'm a teacher and share a small staff office with the
department members) a colleague brought in three trays of cookies and cakes
left over from a NHS induction last night.  When they opened the cookie tray,
it was about two feet in front of me.  Mere inhalation of the cookie
smell/oils/whatnot, brought about a tightening of my throat and a queasy
feeling (similar reactions if I ingest gluten accidentally).  I left the
office, but continued coughing, etc.  Still felt ill an hour later when I
went back in to the office to gather up the next period's teaching resources.
 Is this a gluten reaction?  Can you have a gluten reaction from inhalation?
(I've never gotten so ill so quickly from ingesting gluten accidentally.....
so I'm a bit confused.)

Please let me know what you think!
