On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 19:25:59 -0500, Paul Getty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I am eating quite a bit of turnips, rutabagas, carrots, sweet potatoes,
>beets and kohlrabi.  But the Paleo diet seemed so
>vehemently against Irish potatoes.  What do you think about them, Amadeus?

Against white potatoes:
- they contain a antinutrient (solanin) this is effective
  in amounts > 2kg or in green or injured potatoes
- they aren't edible raw (potent lectin)
- they elevate blood glucose and insulin *very* rapidly
  (see http://venus.nildram.co.uk/veganmc/isgs.gif )

Pro white potatoes:
- for 2600 kcal they have a very good nutrition profile (a good staple)
  including even vitamin C
- solanin is a forgiving toxin that doesn't accumulate and doesn't harm
  if smaller amounts (e.g. 1 kg) are eaten
- they are in most aspects like a basic hominid food (tubers)

The insulin elevation should be feared.
In the case you have carbohydrate metabolism disturbed (probable for som
30% of the population in my estimation) I think it's better to keep fingers
away. Or eat only very small amounts.

Sweet potatoes are better in many aspects, including vitamin A.
And taste great when raw.
But the white ones taste better when cooked.

Amadeus S.