On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 10:05:39 -0500, Esben Gr=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F8nborg?= Brun
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>How was rice traditionally prepared (detoxified ) ?
>(Before white rice was introduced by colonists)

Only cooked , as far as I know.
That's another advantage of rice.
It seems to be very low in antinutrients.
I never heared of detoxifying techniques other than cooking for it.

Just cooking of brown rice takes much longer that white rice, which
usually adds some 30 minutes on slow heat.
That may be the equivalent of the otherwise necessary couple of hours of
soaking or germinating (or sprouting).

A collection of antinutrients for the example of millet
you find at: http://www.fao.org/inpho/vlibrary/t0818e/T0818E0j.htm

The lectin load of rice seems to be unproblematic as well.
Suspicious Dr.D'Adamo (who tests lectins directly with blood) rates
rice between neutral and beneficial, for all blood groups.
In contrast to other grass seeds like wheat.
