----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Pistilli
>Why resort to such run-around theories as this to try and give support
>to vegetarianism and escape the reality that human beings generally
>gained dominance and success by killing prey, competitors, eating meat,
>and developing technology to do so. Why bother trying to fantasize about
>plans to scare of predators with fire games so they could tuck into
>those wild carrots and tubers in the ground? Again this seems like only
>something a vegan/vegetarian would do.

Your logic is flawed !

The "hypothesis" was that  hominids  scared the lions (with fire) to steal
their meat -
that they ate  :  carrion , carcasses, meat  (sun-dried),  brains,
rrow   -   (aswell as tubers)
hardly  any  mild vegen/vegetarian vision !

If you were put naked on the savannah  -  how easy do you think it would be
to catch
a gazelle ? ,  what "prey" would you be able to kill ?  - a lizard - a small
bird in the nest?
Even the "real" predators often fail  - what then about  hominids ? And
predators often steal
from oneanother (easier than hunting)  - why would hominids have been any
different ?

I think they would have used their most formidable weapon - their superior
doing all kind of clever tricks  to get food  - including "playing" with
