Ebou  Jallow,

In  your  attempts  to  canvass  friends  here,  you  cannot  pull  a
wool  over  our  eyes.  Whilst  Jasseh  Conteh  remains  solid  in  his
statements,  yours  are  based  on  selfishness  and  dishonesty.  I  have
seen  many  of  your  type  who  would  jump  at  the  smallest  chance
they  see  in  trying  to  befriend  others  they  think  share  their

Whhile  I  may  not  agree  with  Jasseh  Conteh's  reasoning  per
this  "olive  branch",  that  man  has  done  a  lot  in  furthering  the
cause  to  better  The  Gambia.  You  are  on  the  opposite  end  of  the
spectrum.  Sycophants  and  thieves  cant  mingle  with  folks  with
noble  intentions.  Try  Ousman  Jallow  Bojang,  he  is  as  susceptible
as  they  come.

Alagie  Barrow

Nashville  TN


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