In this volatile situation of our beloved country, Let us stop puzzling each
other and face the facts that some of the discussions on the forum are
really baseless. As a primary school product, I will be grateful seeing a
good few of the intellectuals tirelessly putting some effort to enlighten us
about building better Gambia than provoking each other.
Lately, there have been a step forward contribution by Mr.. Jaiteh and
Karamba whose piece, in my opinion, are worth discussing. Mr.. jaiteh stated
that part of the problems endangering our progresses in our continent was
due to the western influences while karamba, on the other hand, disagree by
saying that gambians are corrupt lazy and
incompetent, "if I am not mistaking."

I think on one hand, that the west have some roles to play regarding
the backwardness of our country hence they are aware of the fact that the
caretakers are corrupt yet they are pumping in physical cash for them to
have something to spend and at the end of the day, rope is tighten on every
citizen’s neck.

If I for once sent money to the gambia to build a house that myself and the
entire family can live in, instead the money was use for selfish deeds,
should i continue sending money? Of cause not. I rather be present to
co-ordinate the project than to sent the money. On the other hand, If i lend
the money, With or without using the money on the right purposes, it will be
paid anyway, therefore, I will not mind but still complaining about the
corrupt practices deterring out progresses. Do I care at the first place? On
the other hand, The politicians should not take this as granted to enrich
themselves. Those monies are for the entire population and it should be use
as it was given for.

Secondly, party politics is also playing significant role in our society’s
destruction and endangering our productivity due to the different tribal
factions which the politician are using to put themselves on top of the
corruption line. To be candid, incompetence and lazy is also something that
you can find by visiting the offices in the Gambia, no changes took place
since the previous government era. This i guess is due to the competent and
capable ones who are loosing their jobs everyday for reasons I don’t know.

However, problems like these is what one should addressed and debate on
towards the new Gambia. If a caretaker did something wrong, to just dismiss
them will not help, they should be put into trial to show the general public
the person’s incompetency not politically motivated.

This have been a tradition in the Gambia politic if the civil servants are
dismissed, the motives are always hiding from the general public "WHY"? At
the end of the day, those same people start driving expensive cars and
building mansions. Is that fair?

Karamba have a point in his argument that incompetency and laziness of the
caretakers have as well a share of the piece of the cake to eat. I am sure,
if the caretakers knew the fact that they will be publicize, as well running
to foreign country will not change their problems hence they will be
repelled if they play incompetent in their bestowed posts.They will change
their attitudes, especially if a lesson is demonstrated. Is the people that
contribute value to the government on revenue they generate overtime,
relative to the cost to acquire and serve them. If is accepted that people
are assets to the government, the value equation should change dramatically
ansd seriously affect how the people is treated by the government.

The vision of the new Gambia should include changing the traditional habits
and believes of our caretakers and respect the employees for the provision
of better services.Employees should be able to create people's value by
making on the spot, timely decisions instead of waiting for a problem
solving hero to arrive on the scene. If the internal structure is not
properly integrated, will result to external destruction. In other wards, if
a right tool for the right job is always sidelined for the wrong, the job
will be stagnant like a lake.

The general public will have to be sensitized on every aspects not only the
traveling of the caretakers but also the spending of the foreign aide to
each and every department and even show the items on television and discuss
the emplimentation of those funds.In this way can trust be overwhelmed. As i
said earlier, my education is so primary and I wish the intellectuals to
forgive me in any inconvenience. However, curiosity kills the cat, then
again, I don’t mine to be kill by speaking my mind and thoughts on issues of
my beloved Gambia.

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