Brother Joe Sambou,
  I feel your pain. Perhaps you ought to try that 'Saul Khan Tea' as KB
would say. To say that this Ebou Jallow fellow's arrogance is an encounter
with the unexplained is to put it mildly. Worst, he waited until Ramadan to
come with such crap. This is cruel and unusual punishment folks. Personal
attacks is NOT my forte, but I gotta tell this poor smug to go back to his
sewer before I loose my calm here, or break my fast. How dare him insult
our intelligence like that? Is it the money he stolen or the drugs he is
taking. Pick one folks. Personally I don't give hoot about the latter
because I don't know what drugs he is taking OR need to be taken, and again
I could care less, but damned it - stealing $3,000,000 from our poor people
toppled with such arrogance from this fellow is simply mindboggling. Infact
it's stupidity on his part. If he's got any sense at all, he would keep his
big mouth shut and enjoy his stolen money while it last. The sad reality is
that - to the poor gambians who saw their money taken right in front of their eyes (willy-nilly), Ramadan is a everyday thing because they can only
afford to eat just ONE meal a day. I mean can you imagine after stealing
$3,000,000 folks, and this inconsiderate, ungrateful slime-ball is STILL
whining? To add more insult to our inteligence, he calls his apology to
President Jammeh personal and yet he bares not even an unreserved apology
to the gambian people (who neeed I say own this money). Good grief, is
this man well? I mean give us a damned break Ebou Jallow!I bet you
just found out money is NOT everything.Why wait for a Holy Month to jape
such self-righteous crap. Don't some people make you sick to your stomach?
What good citizen would steal that much money from poor gambians and be
this damned arrogant? How dare him? I swear one more insult like this from
this thief - I'll make sure he got arrested forthwith. As a matter of fact,
I have a friend who works for the DC Police. This is ridiculous! That's
it. I'm done. Happy Ramadan to all you 'good' Muslims out there. And last,
but not least, happy ThanksGiving (in advance) to all our 'good' Christians

Mr Makaveli (o-:)

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