<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone

And Hi to Jana Church who I recognise from another list
[log in to unmask] I have a 71/2 year old twin daughter who
has had diabetes for over two years.  She has had problems of slow and
delayed food absorption for about 9 months.  After researching articles
on the web I ask her paediatrician for a blood test for celiac which was
positive.  The subsequent biopsy was positive too.  She has only been on
a totally gluten free diet for 2 to 3 weeks now and we are seeing higher
readings a few hours later when previously they were low for several
hours after a meal.  This has suddenly happened in the last two days.  I
find it difficult to work out the carb counts of gf bread, but I am
trying.  Does anyone know how much higher carb % is gluten free bread
etc compared to "normal" breads.   Also is it likely that these big
increases in blood sugars after a meal is due to the food being absorbed
much more quickly in such a short time on the new diet.  I would have
thought that this would take a couple of months before things improved
rather than a couple of weeks.  Her symptoms prior to diagnosis were not
severe, only clue to the condition was the slow absorption of food.
Any comments welcome.  I live in the UK so things are slightly different
here with blood sugar measurements and food brands etc.    Sasha also
has an identical twin sister Rebecca, who is currently waiting for a
biopsy.  Rebecca does not have diabetes. Rebecca is tired and grumpy and
incredibly irritable a lot of the time, I do not know whether this is
her nature  (I hope not or I will have a big problems when she hits the
teens) or if this is due to celiac.

Any observations on any points I have raised are welcome.

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