<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I thought it might be helpful for some who don't yet have a products
listing book from either Clan Thompson or CSA to let some of you know which
brands of canned foods are safest:

Both CSA and Clan Thompson list Del Monte canned goods as GF, all varieties.

CSA also lists all varieties of Dole and Green Giant as GF; My book is not
the newest edition so the listings were posted in 1/98 and 2/96 respectively.

They also mentioned that all vegetables of Blue Boy, except Chili Bean,
were GF, as of 12/98.

Epilogue: Re: Skin contact with gluten It has been correctly and
abruptly brought to my attention that I might have been less misleading
and more accurate in my post about those with DH or wheat allergies
having "skin contact with gluten" if I had instead spoken about "skin
contact with wheat containing substances." This is a good suggestion for
two reasons: 1. There are allergens other than gluten in wheat that some
react to; and 2. Some creditable investigators insist the gluten
molecule is too large to penetrate the skin, and some other very
creditable scientists believe further than those with DH react to wheat
or gluten only when it is introduced into the alimentary canal.

Since my post was intended as my personal guess and I really don't know for
sure, I think it is a good idea not to mislead any listers into a
misapprehension that gluten on the skin might cause a reaction. Or for that
matter, the misapprehension that I might really know what I'm talking about :)

Note please, I am saying "I do not know." I am not arguing either way. I
certainly would not arrogate to argue with some of the many listers who are
certain they have experienced reactions from topical application. So please
do not write me and try to convince me of either one or the other. I am
withholding judgement till good studies have been done. -vance, kind of,
maybe, sort of, all other things being equal, in some contexts, perhaps at
some times, god willin and the creek don't rise :)