<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Jacksonville, FL has over one million residents, so celiacs, we know you must
be out there! Join us in starting a support group for celiac adults and
children in the NE Florida area.

Our first meeting is just a couple of days away -- Tuesday, October 9th at 7
pm at St. Lukes Hospital, Auditorium C (note: use the employee entrance just
past the awning located on the side of the building).

Lori Peters and I have contacted all the celiacs we know. Flyers were sent to
the gastro docs and health food stores. The Gluten Free Pantry generously
sent flyers to all their Jacksonville customers. We sure hope we haven't
missed anyone, but if we have, please try to squeeze this meeting into your

Beth and Liz of the Gluten Free Pantry have sent some wo nderful treats
for us to enjoy, including Danielle's Decadent Chocolate Mix. Lori's
teenage daughter is going to help keep the younger kids entertained
while we meet.

If you need more info, please be in touch. And if you can't make it, let me
know so we can contact you again for our next meeting. Hope to see you
Tuesday! Betsy McNiel