In a message dated 10/24/01 4:18:50 PM, Hilary McClure <[log in to unmask]

<< Also, what do people think about the book "The Protein Power Lifeplan"?
It is based on paleolithic diet studies and seems right on target to me.
Anyone have any disagreements with any of the material in the book?
Enig/Fallon criticized their first book because of its promotion of soy
foods, tolerance of aspartame, and the negative coverage of arachidonic
acid, but all three of those topics seem to have been revised in the
later book. >>

Personally, it is my nutritional "bible". I found it well written, well
researched, and it just plain makes a lot of sense. And yes, those topics as
well as their stance on flax seed oil have changed completely.

Maddy Mason
Hudson Valley, NY