Nita Stull asked for a book recommendation for paleo/proper
nutrition/eating for pregnant mothers (other than Nutrition
and Physical Degeneration...

You might want to check the Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation catalog.
Read chapter 8 (The Natural Child) of the Paleolithic Presciption, which is
out of print.  (Search for used sources.)  It's more on breast feeding than
what to eat, but might be helpful.

I suggest that you read THE CONTINUUM CONCEPT By Jean Liedloff.  It has a
lot to say about the way people birth and raise kids in industrialized
countries (as compared to more primitive socieites) and helps explain a lot
of fears and dysfunctions in our society and the origins of them.  The model
of a lengthy "in arms" period in infancy makes so much sense.  The author
explains how this practice leads to very different children and adults than
our modern crib and baby-care practices. Check your local library (and
inter-library loan).

Jean Liedloff has a web site and a Continuum Concept Network.  Since
emotional food is as important as physical food, I consider this on-topic.
Others from this digest mentioned this book a couple of years ago.

Another book, BIRTH WITHOUT VIOLENCE by Frederick LeBoyer is good reading
and provides more food for thought.  It is easier and faster reading (an
hour maybe) compared to Liedloff's book, a nice companion (not a
replacement), with amazingh and utterly moving pictures, a real treasure. It
would radically change our society, if implemented on a large scale (as
would Liedloff's book).  There are videos on natural child birth and water
births that you should be able to get from your local library.

Sorry I cannot think of other diet books at this time.  If I do find some
I'll post the titles.
