Ah, the computer is finally behaving again for awhile so, now I'll have to
give up some of my tricks of the trade.  Hotwheels and their cheaper makes
are great little toys for kids on so many levels.  We often have the kids
put them up on a slant and roll them down, good for visual tracking,
building shoulder strength.  Overall it's a way to assess play and
imagination skills.  Sometimes we're teaching play skills to kids you don't
know how.  You can also run the cars through paint and make really cool car
pix, then you have to clean them with shaving cream in the car wash you

Of course, I still want to know how Kyle flew out the window.

Beth the OT
email address: [log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Cleveland, Kyle E.
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 10:37 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: C-PALSY Digest - 20 Oct 2001 to 21 Oct 2001 - Unfinished

My son, Alex, LOVES Hotwheels!  Of course, we buy the cheap-o generics, but
what does a three-year old know about brand loyalty?  Anyway, Cindy, do you
feel that playing with Hotwheels (boy references aside) helped you at all
with eye-hand work?  Beth the OT could probably chime in here.


Guys on the list: If you share some of your stupid childhood tricks, I'll
tell ya how I shot out the living room picture window with a 12-gauge (from
the inside, no less!).

