Many thanks toPeter,Alan & John for their help and advice. I checked my motherboard and found it to be a rev. 1, which does not help very much. Also the Athlon is not a 1.3GHz as I requested when I obtained it, but a 1.33GHz with 266MHz FSB. I have decided that the best solution is to obtain a VKD motherboard which can handle the 266MHz FSB and is very reasonably priced. I can then pass on my VKB motherboard and 650MHz Duron to my daughter as she needs something a bit faster than the K-6 III 500MHz she has at present.
Yours sincerely,

> ** Original Subject: RE: [PCBUILD] Athlon 1.3GHz & Biostar M'board
> ** Original Sender: Barry K Tyler <[log in to unmask]>
> ** Original Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 02:55:23 +0100 (BST)

> ** Original Message follows...

> Hope someone can enlighten me as to installing an Athlon 1.3GHz CPU in a Biostar M7VKB motherboard. CPU runs at only 1.0GHz, there are jumpers on board but they are solder links and the motherboard manual is not very helpful as it only gives the CPU clock frequencies. I think that I may need to select 133.3MHz but can find no information to confirm this. Any help would be much appreciated.
> yours sincerely,
> BarryKeith
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>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **



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