On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 17:41:17 EDT, Susan Skye <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi All,
>I am relatively new to this forum and still educating myself. I am
>if someone might be willing to write the full name of all the abbreviations
>that are so frequently referred to such as: AA, ALA, GLA, EFA, SFA, DLA,
>DHLA, PG and any others.

Sorry Susan,

you stepped into a long-grown discussion which moreover had paused for long.

AA = arachidonic acid and is a w-6 (omega-6) PUFA (polyunsaturated Fatty
acid) which is the precursor for substances (prostaglandins) which have
*a lot* of dreaded effects. Made responsible for *a lot* of killer diseases,
like from the heart , cancer and allergies.

EFAs are essential fatty acids which must come from the food, humans cannot
make them:
1. omega-3 series (w-3) made from  ALA or LNA (Alpha linolenic Acid)
occurs in flax seed oil, much less in hemp,canola,walnuts and in the cell
walls of green plants.
Derivates like EPA is made in the body out of this and *this* occures in
fatty cold water fish and animal brain.
w-3 is considered as too low in not carefully planned diets.
2. omega-6 series (w-6) made from LA or linoleic  acid
good and bad effects are expected from derivates of LA

GLA is gamma linoleic acid, a w-6 EFA which helps to make the important PG's
GLA occurs in borage oil,e.promrose oil, hemp oil,oats and some more with

PG are prostaglandins and very effectful hormones which control such
important things like blood clotting and inflammation.

SFA are saturated fatty acids which occur predimonately in body fat of
farmed animals (pig, beef), in dairy and in coconut and palm oil.

I suggest you to read http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/70/3/560S
which is a good introduction from an important author.

Also to surf in the archives at

I enjoyed to to read and recommend to read on topic the following books
1.the omega diet by Artemis P Simopoulos
2."fats that heal, fats that kill" by Udo Erasmus
3.a book from Sears titled "..Zone.."

I expect the best from the new book:
from Prof. Loren Cordain, whom you can get to know at

Amadeus Schmidt-Philipp
(some of the links I have at http://www.geocities.com/paleolix/ )