      To be candid you are great! My feeling is that,you and Modou Camara
are fit to be judges at the hague or representatives at the sanctions
committees in Newyork-UN. No flattery! i mean it!
You see the Gambial management should be handled by people like you
guys.Guys who do not hate but oppose! Guys who do not take sides but express
objective opinions! Guys who do not feel obliged to respect "kabudu"-made
rules but do chair the debates by being neutral,fair and competent!

Jaiteh do NOT pay heed to certain accusations especially those that are
being "fermented" by Mr.George Sarr the "amoeba-shaped" debator that they
call Makavelli here!
I know George Sarr's little car from work to home harbours some "big youth"
or "sabarank" reagae music so you can deduce the jargons from Maka's tirades
here and there!
Maka touches on the remnants of the stories on me as "inferiority-complexed"
and so on...Maka...why not you take it via the tunnel that your "goro"
Ousman Bojang has chosen to pass through?!
Maka you might not know but i have buddies close to your house in Atlanta.
You see you've been scratching me here and there but never did i reply
because i know for certain that underneath some of you want to impress the
"kabudu" but in reality we know where their real feelings are hanging!

Maka why did you decide leaving the jammeh2001.org?
Maka be real and avoid drawing yourself into a muddy pool for the sake of
satifying others!
I am not appeasing but appealing because at least you are my "n'dokeh's"

However,the typhoon of administrative work has hit again so i will be
leaving the scenario for a while and thus allow the veiled faces
heave-a-sigh of relief!
I wish i could stay here and be the clown for some! the pest for some!the
mental midget for some!  the "inferiority complexed" for some! the real
YEROMAMA for some! the source of inspiration for some(especially) those who
have been sending me private mails.
One thing is certain and that is; no amount of carricatures,threats,insults
or "sour" paragraphs can erode yero's.  Yero leaves and comes on board as
and when he likes then  he shatters the yoke of "kabudu" politics!
Certain things have satisfied me and my friends though and thats the
possibility we had in being able to reveal the mystified part of your
self-made gentlemen! The "imaginery" monopoly of  information on
contemporary GAMBIA,that  we refused to accept from you!

So please say all and do all during my absence but remember that JAITEH IS A

YEROMAMA "mihoti saareh kunta haa yesoh"!

"Speak the speeches and let the speeches not spit you."

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