You don't mind if I call you YERO, do ya? Anyway, what are you selling? If
I buy one, will I get my FREEdom? 'Serign-si, Ngirr Yallah Yow Tamitt',ha?
My inbox is bulging with YERO MAMA buffooneries - and I swear one more of
it - I'm gonna have to puke. List managers, are we back to 6 postings per
day? I think that was a great idea. Not only does it save valuable space
on the Maelstrom, it saves us from these untimely migrainous attacks.

With all due respect Mr MAMA, my heart pit-a-pats with irrational fears
because no one can seem to understand you let alone predict what to expect.
Sure the DELETE button you suggested is a great tool but I find NOTHING
titillating with such a thought provoking rebuttal. Do you want to know
why, YERO? Well, if we were in the same room and you decided to take a shit
(I mean hypothetical speaking of course!), we all expect YERO to flush the
toilet. Right? So by you saying we should use our DELETE button, you are
unwittingly asking us to flush your own $#!t. Are you catching my drift,
YERO? You're embarassing us YERO. Why don't simply get it together, YERO?
Come on now, I know you can do this. You don't want everyone here to
believe that you're a mental midget, now do you YERO? Or is it true that
people with inferiority complex have EARNED it? YERO...? Get it together,
NUUGA!You're embarassing us YERO.

Mr makaveli (-:)

From: YERO MAMA <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: POEM: "Ng'agne nennah fanlah?!"
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Oct 31, 2001

Ng'agne nennah dèt!
            Waar wa daffa réy tè gudah!
            M'bayam norr nèhut!
            Ng'agne lu warral lee?

            Samma yaakaar tass na!
            N'dohma tohuna!
            Fumai naaneh?
            Hanaa cha n'daalwah Yalla röttal bopam!

            Doff ba nyaannonnah daaw jeg!
            Nennah Yalna yalla mucha!
            Ng'agne funyoi nyaanal yalla mucha
            M'baa yero duffa teup yeh?!

            Mi hoti saareh kunta!

            Yero pulloh!

Gambians Online " Designed With The Gambian People In Mind"


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