Prince, thanks for the caution and the reminder about my threshold. Believe
me, I realize the urgency about the election and the bigger fish that is
holding our country hostage as we speak/write. Rest assured that I have my
eye on the ball. Having said that, low-lives like Sarjo Jallow are as
culpable as Yaya in this calamity that has befell our people. I dare say
that people like Sarjo Jallow are even more culpable than Yaya because they
ought to know better than Yaya.

Just last week Sarjo Jallow was on a political platform singing Yaya’s
praises and trying to convince Gambians to perpetuate a tyrant and a child
murderer. See, we CANNOT allow that man and his family to pretend that he is
anything other than a slave and a parasite. The Sarjo Jallows of The Gambia
have to be held accountable. They will NOT be allowed to dine with the DEVIL
and then turn around and pretend that they are doing us a favor. As we
attack Yaya, we also have to out the vermin that solidifies Yaya’s power.
Without people like Sarjo Jallow, Yaya is nothing. Please just bear with me.

Now turning to this low-life again. I am glad that all she can do is try to
compare me with her despicable uncle. How many times do I have to tell her
that I am NOT on the Gambian taxpayers’ payroll for the woman to get it into
her thick skull? Before AFPRC/APRC I did NOT even know there was a Gambian
called Sarjo Jallow. We are pointing out the man’s despicable behavior
because we are paying him to slave for child murderers. After Yaya is gotten
rid of we will again forget about Sarjo Jallow save for trying him and his
cohorts for their heinous crimes.

I CANNOT even make sense of the woman’s irrational rattling about me joining
a political Party. What cave has this woman been living in? She went to G_L
archives and obsessively read ALL my postings and still does NOT get it. I
am NOT a politician. I do NOT like politics. I pledged that I was going to
support a Coalition and when we had one, I supported them wholeheartedly.
But that is even beside the point. The question is whether Sarjo Jallow (the
Public Official being paid by the Gambian taxpayer) has a political ideology
that can be reconciled with that of AFPRC/APRC? We all know that the man is
a staunch Yaya supporter. He is actively campaigning for the APRC in this
election. Nothing wrong with that per se. But should we let a low-life like
this woman insult people and attempt to package Sarjo Jallow as a righteous
man? The man is slaving for morons. No amount of insult to me or Hamjatta
can change the fact that Sarjo Jallow is a slave to Yaya.

No amount of LIES from this woman can also portray Sarjo Jallow as a brave
man that is NOT scared to fight for comrades like Dumo. I am at least glad
the woman swallowed the garbage she was trying to throw at Dumo and his
family. Sarjo Jallow is a coward and a hypocrite and lying about Dampha will
NOT change those facts. I feel so sorry for this woman doing all she can to
make me be like her despicable uncle. Why did she have to LIE about my views
about Sedat Jobe before and after he was fired by Yaya? Where have I ever
called vermin like Sedat Jobe heroic? This woman is confused. She knows that
her uncle is a despicable person. She knows that it is wrong for someone to
be inconsistent and hypocritical. That is why she is lying about me to put
me in that category. I have news for people like this woman and Sarjo
Jallow. It is darn hard to be consistent and righteous. It is easier to dine
with the Devil. We will NOT allow people to dine with the Devil and then
come and bamboozle people into thinking that they are righteous.

We will also NOT allow the woman to pretend that Sarjo Jallow’s behavior is
acceptable because he has never been a ‘screamer’. That is a blatant LIE.
Like I said, the vermin was at a political rally just last week ‘screaming’
against PPP. Let us hear his ‘screams’ against more heinous crimes than he
can ever pin on PPP. Is this Sarjo Jallow NOT the same man that used to
chair press briefings for APRC? Who does this woman think she is kidding
when she pretends that Sarjo Jallow is an ‘innocent bystander’? They are ALL

Gambians should hold the prostitutes working for Yaya accountable. It is
only by doing that that we spell Yaya’s doom. We should NOT allow these
people to prop up the Dictatorship and then behave as if nothing happened.
Left to Sarjo Jallow alone Yaya will remain in power. Now, if Yaya stays
there and orders another massacre, whose fault would it be? Remember, in
Nuremburg Hitler was NOT on trial. The coward had already committed suicide.
Characters like Goering were on trial. When it is all said and done, Yaya
and the people that helped him (the Sarjo Jallows of The Gambia) will be
held accountable for their despicable deeds.

>From: Hasanatou Barry <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Sarjo Jallow is not a man of many words(cont'nd)
>Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 14:23:55 +0000
>Dampha, with all your cries for justice, democracy and what is good for The
>Gambia, why can't you even join one political party of your choice? And you
>know why? I'll tell you:  Because you have no ideology! 'Ideology is to
>what you want' and you Kebba Dampha are far from knowing what you want!!!!
>Secondly, you are JUST a TANGENT BOARD TIGER; Dampha. Being a party member
>means work. It demands sacrifices. It means doing concrete things; that
>means been faced with reality. How do you solve problems, how do you
>confront setbacks, how do you accept defeat, without going for your
>opponent's/adversary's head. Dampha, that demands a cultured mind, an
>intelligent mind. You commend your buddy(Hamjatta) as an intelligent guy. I
>say you do not know the definition of the word, and neither does he. So,
>both of you look up that word.
>You contradict yourself. When Seedat Jobe reisgned and was commended by
>Darboe. All of a sudden he was no more Vermin, Moron, Loose Canon, you
>your limited inflammatory vocubalary(patented too). For one time i remember
>somebody cautioning you for calling the man (Seedat) vermin. I don't have
>anything against Mr. Jobe, but you Dampha if you were consistent, would not
>have patted Mr. Darboe on the back for his comments on Mr. Jobe. You know
>why? I will tell you. If you were consistent, you would have raised the
>that the Lives of Gambian Children is more valuable than Mr. Bharat Joshi's
>expulsion. Seedat did not resign for the lives lost. He resigned for a
>British national. And you called that heroic.
>You ask why my uncle is not shouting now under the APRC government? Dampha,
>the man has never been a hoarse-screamer before. Sarjo Jallow is not a
>hater, who would agitate Gambians to be canon-fodder because he wants the
>world to know that he is not a sell-out. Bring forward any document with
>Sarjo Jallow's signatory and show us were he was throwing obsenities at
>anybody inside or outside the PPP government as you claim he was doing
>the banner of MOJA-G. That is not my uncle. A week ago i was at his office
>and as we chatted i told him how angry i am at those who call him names.
>response was: "That is the way democracy should work". What flamboyant life
>is he living? Renting a two-bedroom and parlour flat, the same since 1981?
>His wife still living in Sweden trying to get through Medical school?
>Dampha, a Eunuch like you cannot neutralize my uncle. All you succeed in
>doing is display your true colours. By using heavily-charged words like
>'Neutralize' we are given a hint of what you Dampha are capable of
>inflicting if given the reigns of power. You call me a 'nonentity' and that
>is ok by me. I am nobody in the bigger scheme of things, but i will not
>mute whilst you unjustly slander Sarjo Jallow's character. You don't have
>that right and neither does Hamjatta your pigmy buddy. And as you dig my
>uncle's grave, please make it bigger, for you never know: "Eneh Neg, Ya
>Fanaan". In the meanwhile please adjust your skirt! The wind is blowing and
>we don't want to be 'jumujed' (sore eyes). As you and your 'mate' Hamjatta
>Kanteh try to dig garbage on my uncle, be rest assured that any filth
>here will be returned with faeces water from the gutter.
>Returning your Horse S...t,
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